Jerusalem on the messenger (2009)

Origin: Unknown | Fiction | Director: Amani Al Sarahnah | 3 minutes

Jerusalem on the messenger

Amani al Sarahnah 2009 fiction 3 min.

Shown at the 2012 London Palestine Film Festival as part of "The Spring of
Young Palestinian Women Filmmakers", a programme guest curated by Shashat,
the Palestinian film NGO: Jerusalem on the Messenger tells of Faisal, a
young man from Hebron who chats with a Palestinian girl living in the
Emirates through an instant messenger service on the internet. He pretends
he is from Jerusalem in order to hold the interest of the girl, who loves
the city. The situation, however, becomes complicated once she asks Faisal
for his picture in Jerusalem, a city he has long been forbidden to enter.
The film was produced as part of a Shashat training programme for young
women filmmakers in which participants were invited to express their
visions of Jerusalem as a site of cultural, historical, religious, or
personal significance.