Shujayya (2016)

Origin: Palestine/Poland | Documentary | Director: Mohammed Almughanni | 20 minutes

The short movie “Shujayya” represents the Palestinian situation from a political, cultural and psychological point of view. In a few minutes it conveys the tragic nature of the conflict, particularly in Gaza, as well as the difficult and inconsistent cultural background: the difficult situation of the women, gender stereotypes, social traditions, family relationships, and personal drama. Through this short movie we can fully understand that this war doesn’t mean only losing one’s home, but also losing family and oneself, from a physical and a psychological point of view.
We loved “Shujayya”, and we wish to award it the best short movie prize because we were very moved, from the beginning to the end. We remained breathless. During the whole film, our eyes couldn’t leave the screen. In a few minutes Mohammed Almughanni described a part of life where fear makes us blind (every day), and we’ll never thank him enough.

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